The teddy bear which granted me my wishes - Chapter 2
Part 2
That same night there was a raging storm. The heavy rain drops made a crackle at whatever they touched. Lighting after lightning lightened the sky. Thunder after thunder echoed in the atmosphere, some close to me, others – far.
The teddy bear was in my mother’s room and she was in the kitchen so I just went to her room to see the teddy bear. The light in the room came from a Christmas tree with little lamps on it which we used the whole year since it looked nice and from the TV.
Just when I looked at the teddy bear and smiled at it, bluish fog started to appear around it until it fully covered it. After that the tedy bear was transformed into…..
I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a boy that seemed to have bluish skin but I wasn’t sure about that since the room was pretty dark. That boy was like my dream boy. Extremely skinny, short, dark blonde with fluffy hair. It wore an angelic robe that didn’t cover much. Its eyes sparkled and were a light color although I wasn’t sure exactly which color.
The boy smiled at me broadly which revealed its perfect teeth.
I used “it” since I wasn’t sure what this boy was.
“Hi, I’m here for you.”
“Um, hi, can I ask…..”
“What am I? I’m yours!”
“Are you a human or…..”
“I am what you want.”
“But this doesn’t explain anything.”
“You can see me as an angel….. or a demon.”
“W-what? You can’t be both!”
“I can, depends on perspective. Why don’t you come closer?”
The boy locked its eyes with my eyes and I felt as if I couldn’t control my body.
I got closer to the mesmerizing creature in front of me and I touched it. It physically existed. The skin was extremely smooth and smelled really nice. In fact, too nice. The moment I smelled it I got really horny. My sight was getting blurry. And the boy’s lips touched my neck. For just a split second I felt as if electricity went through my body. My penis was extremely hard. And its hand touched my bulge. Another electricity impulse. Its hand went inside my underwear and touched my member to which I instantly came.
Normally when I cum I can’t continue masturbating but this time was different, very different. I continued to be very hard. The boy revealed its own penis. It was very small and uncut just like mine. The boy lied on its stomach and its ass faced me. At this point I couldn’t use my brain normally, I was driven by wild instincts that were telling me that this is the chance of my life. I placed the tip of my penis on the boy’s hole and pushed it in. It went in pretty easily since I wasn’t big as well. Each movement inside sent electric impulses through my penis even though these were smaller than the original ones. After a couple of thrusts I came again. And surprisingly I was still hard.
I apologized for cumming inside the boy but I just got a calm smile and a nod in return showing that it’s fine. I moved the boy to lay on its back so we can be face to face. His penis was surprisingly still soft. I began thrusting in and out again and the boy moaned. Every moan sounded extremely cute and the impulses didn’t stop. I touched its penis and peeled its foreskin back. That was one of the most beautiful penises I had ever seen in my entire life. I began stroking it and it started to get harder and grow in my hand. It got a lot thicker and a lot longer fast.
In the end I couldn’t believe how long it had become – at least 18 cm. It was veiny and the foreskin still managed to cover the whole head. When I saw that I came a third time but this time over the boy’s body.
“Can I ask for your…..”
“You can call me Asmo!”
“I suppose you already know…..”
“I know your name, yes!”
“Would you now use this?”, I pointed to the monster between his legs.
“As you wish of course.”
“Can you be gentle though?”
“If that’s what you want.”
The boy reached for my waist and pushed me lightly to lay on my back. I was still hard even after cumming 3 times in a row. Asmo placed one finger in ass. And the feeling was on another level…..
End of Part 2.