The Mannequin - Chapter 1
So Ben had been passing by the fetish shop every time he came home from work. But since this was his birthday This time he did stop to visit the rubber shop called the rubber factory. As he came closer to the shop he clinched the special coupon for a free birthday gift.
He opened the door and walked inside he approached the store manager and handed him the coupon. The store manager was wearing a black rubber outfit he looked at the boy and said well happy birthday Ben.
Ben asked how do you know my name? We know a lot about you Ben we knew that if you received our special coupon you would be walking into our store. We got all the information about you when you filled out our questionnaire online.
We are ready to fulfill your request you made online to be placed in our special rubber catsuit for the week. You will be allowed to have for free a rubber catsuit to experience how it feels to be in rubber.
So Ben was taken in the back of the store and he removed his clothing and was handed a black rubber catsuit and he was helped into it Ben was getting shivers as his naked body was responding to the encased rubber catsuit.
Soon Ben could no longer see his skin any more just the black rubber outfit. So Ben went back home to show off to his friends the amazing black rubber outfit he was wearing. His friends were so impressed that they wanted to visit the fetish rubber factory.
So that day and night Ben had done what the COLLECTORS wanted to spread the word about the fetish rubber factory to the other humans. So that night the staff at the fetish rubber factory drove their van to Ben place and they had a key to open the door.
When they entered Ben’s bedroom they found him in the bed but he was no longer human he had become a mannequin wearing a black rubber outfit. They picked him up and placed him inside the van and drove back to the fetish rubber factory.
The rubberized mannequin was placed among the other rubberized mannequins in the store to show off the living rubber outfit
What Ben did not know that this was the last time he would ever see his human form. For the special black rubber outfit was made not from humans it was in fact living alien rubber substance which is what Ben had become.
Suddenly Ben had forgotten his memory even if Ben wanted to remove the black rubber outfit he couldn’t. For his human skin no longer existed he was now under the control of his alien captured.
The name of the aliens were called THE COLLECTORS THEY WOULD CREATE A RUBBER FETISH SHOP To lure young human males to be placed in the special living alien rubber outfits and turned into rubber mannequins to be placed in the fetish rubber shops to show off their new living rubber products
The collectors have found there next collections pieces of rubberized mannequins. So if you receive a free coupon offer at the fetish rubber factory just throw it away and never go there or you might end up as one of the new rubberized mannequins of the fetish rubber factory.
And yes there is going to be a part 2