A carpenters commission releases the bully & beta-pig - Chapter 5
There will be nine chapters charting the journey of two men, alpha-male and beta-boi, as they discover how mean and dirty they really are. This story involves, humiliation, scat, piss, boot worship and pipe smoking. If these things are not for you please do move on.
The tenderness of it fucks more with Paul’s head. He’s conflicted about the fact that he sunk even lower with Jon, shown himself to be a totally submissive wimp, a filth hound but he’s soaking up Jon’s praise even when it’s mixed with insults and demeans him further, he hangs on the word ‘my’.
Chapter 5
Jon stands and reaches for his phone for another photo and video opportunity. To Paul’s shame capturing him struggling with two pipes, his face plastered with filth and sweat. Jon photographs his pink arse and shitty hole before he finally takes the pipes from Paul and helps him to his feet. Noting that he’s shaking with adrenaline. He puts his arm around his shoulders, holding him for a moment, “you did good dirty-boi, you ok?” Paul just nods trying to process what’s happened, if it was good or bad. Finally, he manages a “Thanks,” swiftly followed by a quiet “Sir”, making Jon laugh. “Does that mean you enjoyed that as much as me, as much as last time pig-boi?”.
Paul can’t help but laugh but can’t actually admit it out loud, he just nods his head. Jon acknowledges his nod, “yeah, you are getting there beta-boi, my little shit pig, guess we should get you cleaned up”. Paul’s more focused on the ‘my’ again to really respond. Jon goes to get a cloth and knife to cut the cable-ties. As he gets back Paul is fidgeting, “I think I need to use your toilet, you’ve stirred things up quite a bit down there,” he says sheepishly. Jon is about to cut the ties when an idea goes through his mind. With that same mischievous grin, “don’t go anywhere fucker” he darts off leaving Paul confused.
Moments later Jon’s back holding a roll of duck tape and a piece of black PVC that’s holding against himself, sizing it up. Content it’s big enough he approaches Paul. Suddenly concerned, and getting increasingly desperate to take a shit, Paul struggles, “whatever it is you are thinking don’t do it, just cut these bloody ties.” But Jon laughs, “you’ll thank me later pig -boi, trust me,” And he pushes the PVC between Paul’s legs. And as Paul squirms, Jon jiggles it about until it is even front and back before he spreads the back out over Paul’s pink buttocks. Then he does the same at the front making sure to cover Paul’s balls before he spreads the cool PVC over his crutch. Only then does Paul register what it is that he’s doing. “NO FUCKING WAY MAN, you can’t do that, no please,” he begs. But Jon just laughs he’s loving this unexpected opportunity. He tears off a couple of lengths of duck tape and, holding the PVC front to back, tapes the sides tightly around Paul’s mid-riff.
Jon spins Paul around so he can see himself in the mirror, again studying his horrified face in the reflection. Jon’s own face has a broad smile, “what do you think DIAPER-BOI? All snug so you can safely take a nice big dump. And when you get home you can have another wank, one of your nasty dirty ‘shit wanks’, humping shit till until you cum. See thinking of you all the time cunt.” Very pleased with himself he rubs Paul’s cock and balls through the PVC.
Despite himself the smooth plastic material feels good to Paul, but still utterly humiliating, “you bastard, you can’t be serious, is there no fucking limit to your depravity, how fucking evil are? TAKE IT OFF, NOW.” he demands. Jon’s super happy, “oh you ain’t seen nothing yet fucker. And no dice diaper-bio, it stays on,” and to make it worse he photographs this too. “Now if you are a good boi I’ll pull up your trousers for you and cut the ties, but only if you are going to be a good baby for the big bad man,” he laughs. Paul cringes as he hears this and contemplates himself in the mirror, he looks pathetic, a gown man in a black PVC diaper, yet his dick is beginning to like the sensation. And as his bowels remind him why he’s in this predicament he quickly says to Jon, “ok just let me free, I’ll be good.” Jon just looks at him, like he’s a naughty child, waiting. Paul signs, “please Sir.” Making Jon snort with laughter. “There’s a good liddle baby, let’s get you all dressed up nice shall we.” The baby talk further annoys Paul. Jon pulls him forward, but before he pulls up his trousers and pants, his hand comes down hard on Paul’s tender arse getting a sharp yelp. “That’s was for calling me a bastard,” and then another one lands even harder to Paul’s, “ahhhhh, please don’t.” “And that one’s for calling me a cunt again, guess you are a slow learner or just like getting spanked diappy-boi.”
Once Jon has helped Paul dress and cut the ties, he points to the couch and says, “grab a seat and I’ll get you a beer.” Paul falls into the old couch feeling the soft PVC of the diaper wrap itself around his arse. He’s not going to be able to hold this impending dump back until he’s alone. There’s a building pressure in is colon, his ring is too stretched out from the fucking to be fully reliable and he knows it’s just going to happen, best get on with it before Jon comes back to gloat. He scoots to the edge of the couch trying to work out where would be best. Finally, he sits back and raises his legs slightly and allows nature to take its course. A series of wet farts give way to a rush of mushy shit cramming into the makeshift diaper. He can feel it make its way round his balls.
Paul’s sat like this, red faced, as Jon comes back to witness the final humiliating stage of Paul filling his diaper. Jon’s face lights up with a huge smile as he sees Paul actually shitting himself. He holds out the beer for Paul, “you ok with a bottle or would you like a sippy cup,” he taunts the poor man. Paul takes the beer hanging his head but he has to laugh, telling Jon to ‘fuck off’. As he sits back a bit, he can feel the shit move in the confines of the PVC. Hating himself even more. He already knows he will be having that wank.
They talk a little as they drink their beers, Paul noticeably quieter. Jon can see he’s a bit conflicted. “You ok?” He asks, Paul pauses and then nods, “yeah, it’s just very intense and not what I anticipated. I can’t deny that I’m getting off on it, I’m just not comfortable with some of it. I am not a beta. Ok, so I see now that I have a sub side, but I’m not a beta, I am NOT inferior to you or anyone.” He looks at Jon. “Hum, may be, may be not. We’ll see,” and Jon puts his arm round Paul, rubbing his neck and back, “either way it will be fine, and it will be fun exploring further, don’t over think it.”
Paul relaxes a bit and when they finished their beers Paul stands to go, Jon gets up with him to see him out. Suddenly he stops and tells Paul to wait. He returns with his hand behind his back, “here I have something for you,” he grins to Paul. With his free hand he pulls the front of Paul’s trousers, pants and diaper forward leaving a small gap. Then he brandishes the filthy, shitty condom he’d won to plunder Paul’s arse. Paul just see’s it’s bulging tip, full with Jon’s cum, as Jon drops it into his diaper letting the waistband snap back sealing it in. “You sick fuck,” Paul gasps. “Easy boi unless you want another spanking, that’s just something else to enjoy when you are squirming around in filth later, see, I really am thinking of you all of the time,” and he pats Paul’s crutch.
Jon walks Paul to the door and waits as he gets in the car. As Paul starts the car he glances in the rear-view mirror and only then realises his face is still covered in shit. In a panic he looks up to see Jon, with that wicked grin, watching him. Jon raises his hand in a wave and goes in closing the door. It’s very clear he’s not letting Paul back in to clean up and he’ll have to drive home with a face coved in shit whilst slithering around in a PVC diaper full of the stuff. The car already stinks. He drives home being very carefully not to get stopped by any traffic cops!
Jon goes back inside, finds his pipe and smokes it whilst thinking about what’s happened and more importantly what’s going to happen next. He skims through the evidence on his phone of Paul’s steady acceptance of his dominance over him. He loves how low and dirty Paul really is, plus he’s hot. Jon thinks he just needs to accept what a low life cunt he really is and embrace it. He carefully composes a text.
Paul drives trying to take Jon’s advice and not over think what he’s doing with this guy, instead he focuses on his dick sliding around in a pool of effluent in his diaper, and how he’s going to hump it like mad when he’s home. His thoughts are briefly disrupted when his phone pings with a succession of text message as he drives. They would have to wait.
Parking his car as close as possible to his house Paul carefully scans the area to see if anyone is about, with the coast clear he keeps his head down to hide his filthy face and sprints to his front door. Once inside he leans against the wall to compose himself, he can feel the filth in his diaper oozing around his balls. Abruptly he decides to just satisfy his urge and heads straight for the bathroom, throwing a towel on the floor, stuffing some tobacco into his pipe. His perverted lust overtaking him.
As Paul strips to his diaper, he finds his phone, momentarily pausing to see that the texts are from Jon. His heart rate rises as little and he can’t help but stop to see what he could want so soon after they’ve met. Curious, he flips the texts open, there are a series of pictures and video clips of him debasing himself, guzzling piss, being fucked, licking his own shit off of Jon’s hard, sheathed cock. Reminding him that the condom is still sliding around in his diaper. Part of him cringes but another part is now very hard. The last text is a message, ‘for the wank bank fucker. Sorry about sending you out covered in filth but it was soooo hot to see your look of panic when you clocked your mug in the rear-view mirror! Did you get home without incident?’
Paul thumbs a quick reply, ‘got home fine you cunt’ and hits send. Almost immediately the phone rings with a video call from Jon. Paul hesitates but decides to accept the call with his camera off. Jon’s smiling face appears and his chipper voice, “Hey fucker I know that was mean, but too good to not do.” “Yeah, well no surprises there, you were born mean,” Paul blurts back. Jon laughs, “I’m guessing you’re still wearing that shit or you’d have put your camera on?” Paul sighs, “Yes but I’m about to wash it off if you’ll fuck off and stop gloating.” “Owww, don’t be shy, turn your camera on I want to see it again, it makes me hard, you make me hard dirty-bio, show me again, I’m edging again just talking with you.”
Paul is conflicted, flattered that he makes Jon hard, but knowing he will humiliate him even more. Still, he just can’t help but to comply to this man’s demands, and he hits the camera button. Jon grins as he sees Paul’s shitty features on his phone, “awesome dude,” and seeing Paul has no shirt on, “you’re about to get down and dirty in that lovely diaper I made for you, aren’t you? Go on show it to me dirty-boi, did it hold up ok?” With a little more cajoling Paul scans the camera over his body showing the diaper still wrapped around his junk. Jon shows Paul his own hard cock firmly gripped in is fist, “see dirty-boi, this is what you do for me, go on get down in that filth, show me how you have your dirty ‘shit wanks’, how you love to hump shit, do it for me piggy, make me happy twice in a day.”
With just a little more flattery and subtle bulling he has Paul on his knees, phone propped up so Jon can see all of him as, once again, he is falling under Jon’s spell and allowing him to humiliate him, his cock is tenting the PVC diaper. “Oh look your little dicklet is fucking loving it, you are such a fucking pathetic little pig, I love it. Let’s do it pig-boi, get down in that filth, hump it.” Nervously Paul licks his lips and can taste the shit still caught in his beard, lust takes over and he submits, laying flat he starts to grind his hips into the mess.
Paul’s done this before, alone, but this is more intense. His eyes roll back as his dick slides around over the smooth PVC, lubricated with shit the feeling is just amazing, his balls tingle and tighten and Paul just gives himself to the pleasure of it, the amazing feeling of sliding around in waste, the wonderful grip of the warm PVC. He gasps and groans, Jon almost forgotten until he chips in. “Oh, you fucking love that don’t you? Do it, show me how fucking base you are cunt, you are so low Paul, so fucking low. You got a pipe there?” Paul grunts a ‘yes’ as he grinds his hips harder into the filth intensifying the stink of shit in the room. “Fire it up piggy,” and he also lights his pipe. Paul on autopilot does it, shooting jets of smoke briefly blocking Jon’s view. Jon does the same as he edges. He already knows how much he loves Paul in his pig zone and clearly, he is now.
Jon takes advantage of Paul at his most complaint and goads him more, “do you smoke a pipe so you look like more of a man Paul, like a real man?” Paul is shaking his head, still grunting in pleasure. Jon just goes on belittling him, “I think you do, but you aren’t are you Paul? Even with a pipe you aren’t a man. You are just a subby little dicked wimp that gets off wearing a plastic diaper full of shit, isn’t that right Paul? You are a sub Paul, a subhuman, a total wimp.” He can see he has Paul totally in the zone, his eyes are still rolled right back and he’s actually nodding to Jon’s degrading dialogue, he’s never had Paul so complaint.
Jon instructs Paul to sit up. Paul reluctantly slides his body up so he’s kneeling, even now he’s sliding his cock around against the PVC, panting around the pipe. Looking at Jon waiting for instruction or more abuse. He gets both: “fucking pathetic, look how hard your dicklet is.” Jon goes on, “right, pig-boi remember that condom I dumped in there? I want you to fish it out for me.” Coming back to some sense of reality Paul pulls the front of the diaper away from his body and pears inside. He can see the condom stuck around the base of his cock, with a “get it pig,” from Jon, he reaches in and pulls it clear, smearing shit on his fingers and hand as he does. He holds it up and even covered in shit he can see the cum is still trapped in the bubble in the end. “Good boi Paul, now show me what you should do with a real man’s cum, show me how dirty you are Paul.” Paul is easy prey now, eyes still wide as if he’s hypnotised, he just lifts the condom and taking the pipe from his mouth with the other hand, he tips his head back. And then to Jon’s delight he up ends it and pours the cum into his mouth.
Paul can feel Jon’s cum slide over his tongue, slimy and nasty. He lowers the filth rubber bag into his mouth and sucks the cum out and the shit off, furiously rubbing his cock through the PVC, he literally hums, rolling the mixture around in his mouth. “Oh fuck yes, you filthy fucking lowlife cunt, you wonderful lowlife shit pig, taste that.” Jon is now seriously hard and wanking, “eat it cunt, eat.” And seeing Paul swallow, “now get back down pig boi, hump filth again, get that pipe back in.”
Paul lunges forward driving his shit slicked cock into the soft PVC with a deep sign. He pushes the pipe back into his mouth and sucks hard as he humps and grinds. Totally zoned out, mesmerised by his own image on camera. Jon is yelling at him now, “do it pig-boi, hump shit for me, I want you to cum for me, show me what it is you fucking get off on, what a pathetic piece of shit you are Paul. Are you a worthless piece of shit Paul? Is that what you are Paul? My fucking play thing? ARE YOU?” And Paul is nodding as he smokes and seeks enough purchase in the diaper to cum. With a massive grunt he starts to shoot his load, the orgasm wracking his whole body again, huge clouds of pipe smoke briefly blocking Jon’s view of Paul’s self-debasement.
Jon is now equally desperate to cum, but he wants one more humiliation for Paul to push himself over the edge. Paul kneels up panting, his whole body shaking, he takes the pipe from his mouth and forces himself to look at the camera to see himself, his shame as Jon directs him, “open that diaper pig.” Mechanically Paul grips the edge by the tape and with difficulty manages to tear it open so the filthy PVC flops open on the floor. He stares down dumbly as the trail of white cum slowly mixes with his shit. Jon can just make it out at the bottom of his screen, “clean it up pig, lick your nasty beta-boi spunk up, do it for me,” he gasps fisting his cock harder still.
Post orgasm Paul is repulsed by the disgusting mess before him, revolted at the idea, but somehow feels he deserves it, he’s already feeling guilt for the shameless display he’s just given. As if to punish himself he forces his face down, extends his tongue and collects the shitty spunk. He holds it in his mouth to show Jon the mixture of white cum and brown shit. Jon manages to grunt, “eat, eat it,” and he cums too, as the nasty mixture slides down Paul’s throat completing his humiliation, for now!
In chapter 6 Paul starts to come to terms with being the beta male and suffers even more humiliation to please Jon
This is the first story that I have published. It covers my own personal interest in humiliation, submission and an obsession with pipe smoking men. I welcome constructive feedback, thoughts and idea for future stories.